At Broadbottom we follow a Mastery approach in Mathematics using White Rose. This means that children are taught to thoroughly understand all aspects of maths, in order to develop a natural fluency and apply their knowledge and skills across a variety of contexts. We consider fluency in maths to be be similar to a language in that when someone is fluent in speaking a language they can fully articulate themselves. This is a concept we endorse for all our children, that they are confident, knowlegeable and practised in maths.
The school ethos is embedded in our pedagogy, where we teach pupils to have faith in themselves and to learn through making mistakes. This is part of a healthy learning environment.
In addition, we have a Specialist Maths teacher, who is a long term member of the Northwest Maths Hub. As members of ‘The Maths Hubs Programme’, staff at Broadbottom work alongside mathematics education professionals in a collaborative national network of 40 hubs. Each is led by an Outstanding school or college to develop and spread excellent practice, for the benefit of all pupils and students. The lead school for Turing NW Maths Hub is Ashton on Mersey School.
The Daily Maths Lesson 
Maths lessons are taught daily to all children, following the White Rose scheme for each year group. This delivers age and developmental appropriate subject content to ensure progression.
Children are taught through a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach. This enables individuals to works at their own level, using supporting materials required to develop understanding building on previous knowledge.
Fluency Bee 
Daily Fluency Bee sessions take place in years 1 – 6. These focus on key skills that are required to enable pupils to become fluent in Mathematics.
Flashbacks are used each morning, as the children come in to school, to practice skills developed in the daily maths lesson. There are five questions which cover the current mathematical area being taught, the previous teaching and also questions which revise learning from further back in time. These help to keep knowledge fresh and revisit themes regularly. It also allows time for diuscussion where any misconceptions can be addressed.
Arithmetic Checks
Each Friday, years 1 to 6, complete an 10 minute arithmetic task. These are designed to embed a natural recall of the mathematical operations required to succeed in arithmetic and reasoning.
Doodle Maths 
Doodle Maths supports additional maths practice and is used in school and at home.
Maths at Home
If you require any extra learning to complete at home, please follow the link below. This will take you to the White Rose Maths parents page where you will find workbooks to match your child’s year group.
Below is the link for White Rose 1-Minute Maths which is a free app for you to download. This is a quick way for children to practice key sills and keep their maths agility on the boil.
Children should be using Doodle Maths as part of their homework. Assignments will be set by teachers alongside using their own personalised Doodle platform.
Doodle Maths helps prepare children for year 6 SATs, year 4 Multiplication Check and generally improves maths fluency.