“Let your light shine.”  Matthew 5:16



Days are always packed with fun learning and experiences at Broadbottom. Here are some examples of enjoyable activities and celebrations during the year.


Oral Health Team

An imfomative session with the Oral Health team, about how to keep teeth clean and healthy.

EYFS Trip to Glossop

Fun was had by all, on a train journey ride to Glossop and visit to the local police and ambulance stations.


R4GM Visit 

A very interesting and informative time was had today, when the R4GM team joined us with their mascot Recycle Super Hero to teach us about re-cycling in Greater Manchester

Playing Binnionaire Choosing the correct bin



Year 6 Learning Resuscitation Skills





Shrove Tuesday

Everyone enjoyed a pancake to day, to mark the festival of Shrove Tuesday and the beginning of Lent


CO2 Workshop

Bonanza Creative delivered workshops to pupils on what carbon monoxide is and how to keep safe.

Celebrating our Published Authors

We are delighted, to have 2 pupils entries chosen by Young Writers to be published. The girls mini saga’s can be read in ‘The Magical Map – Fantastic Tales from 31st March.

The Rt Honourable Jonathan Reynolds Visit 

We welcomed a visit from Mr Reynolds, our local MP, to each of our classes. Each class asked a variety of questions and learned lots about life as an MP, poliitcs and Mr Reynolds interests. Early Years were treated to a story, read by Mr Reynolds, which they thoroughly enjoyed.



Jingle Bell Walk

Our annual Jingle Bell walk to sing carols in the village, was enjoyed by pupils, families and members of the village community. Even passers by in cars wound their windows down, to capture some of our festive cheer.

Elf Breakfast

Passports at the ready, Elves joined their human owners and came to school for a special festive breakfast.


Nativity Season 2024

This year EYFS and KS1 permormed ‘Hey Ewe’, featuring a curious sheep, who watched  Mary and Joseph set out on the journey to Bethlemhem and wondered what was happening.

KS2 Performed ‘The Inn Crowd.’ A comical and poignant re-telling of the nativity story, from the perspective of the animals in the stable, where Jesus was born.

Festive Family Fun as the ‘Smallest School makes the Biggest Yule’

Everyone enjoyed some fun, family, festive cheer, decorating a yule log together, to make a whopping length of 6.94 metres. Santa made some time in his busy schedule to vist us too!



After School Clubs 

Enjoying learning new skills and sharing talent is important during the school day and also after school at one of our clubs.


Table Tennis

Fidget Club

Games Club

Origami Club

Another wonderful evening to celebrate our love of books and reading for pleasure. 


Candle Light Stories 2024

  Themes for this years event.




Year 6 Sunflower Festival 2024

Broadbottom Talent Show –  We had lots of fun watching a range of performances

Chester with Year 6

World Book Day

A fun packed day celebrating books and the characters we love the most.


A visit to the Church for Early Years


A visit from GM Fire Service to teach ‘Fire Class’ about CPR


Christmas Fun – We always have lots of fun at Christmas: Nativity plays, elf Breakfast, singing in the village, Christmas dinner and this year, a fantastic magician to celebrate the season.


Lantern Workshop – light up the village at Christmas with a home-made lantern for your window.



Candlelight Stories – our annual event was very busy with lots of fun, stories and food to enjoy.



Earth class enjoy a welly walk, whatever the weather!





Our Peek-A-Boo workshop was well attended with all making, and taking home, their own ‘Spooky Boo’ to display for the village ghost hunt.







Year 6 visiting Denton Wellness Centre for a bowling trip


Woody the Bear from Willow Wood – presenting a cheque for the money raisied by the Bunny Hop


Year 6 Learning about composting


Love was in the air on Valentines Day as we shared breakfast together.

Staff Hamper Winner


Celebrating Christmas

Singing carols on the ‘Jingle Bell Walk’ in the village and bringing lots of festive cheer. Lots of enjoyment at the Elf Passport Breakfast. Elf winners
The 3 Kings Shining Star The Cows Roman Soldiers The Court Room
The Cast                                                                                                Purple and Green Cast


Chester Cathedral

Each year the diocese invite Year 6 leavers to attend a service of thanksgiving.  Five hundred pupils  joined together to share the experience this July. The theme was ‘Aspirations and Hope’. We took a 3D model of the school logo to represent our school during the service. Two pupils carried our  banner as part of a procession, with other schools which was received with lots of positive comments.  One of our pupils was chosen from all the schools, to help  the Director of Education, Chris Penn and participate in part of the service. We were very proud that a pupil from Broadbottom had this wonderful opportunity.






Twilight Stories 2022

Another wonderful event was enjoyed by everyone, and we didn’t let the rain and wind spoil it. This year we had the return of the much loved Cat, Tweedle Dumb, Hogwarts Supply Teacher and a Hooded Villain as story tellers.


Tweedle Dumb

Wise Wizard

Hogwarts Supply

Black Cat

Supply teachers classroom

Villains Den

Golden Arch

The Black Cats Cave

Treat Time

Sweet treats

Villains Genre

Alice in Wonderland


Dobbies Socks

The Enchanted Tree

The Enchanted Tree

Scan me – Every Bunny Dance

Scan me – Funny Bones

Take a break and read yourself

Hogwarts signpost


Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II



Following the announcement from Buckingham palace that the queen had died on Thursday 8th September 2022, we wanted to participate in some historical traditions.

A book of condolence was opened, for all the pupils to sign to share a thought, prayer, picture or signature to give thanks for the Queens life.



Sports Day 

The rain may have fallen and the field wet, but it didn’t stop us at BB from having an indoor sports day, with team Tigers, Lions and Panthers competing for the annual cup.








Team Panthers in Green                           Team Lions in Green



Team Tigers from Green                                        Total Concentration 



Fantastic Jumping Skills in the Sack Race

Purple Teams Getting Ready to Compete





Purple Class enjoying the Hurdles



Sunflower Festival

Year 6 leavers were treated to a festival vibe with VIP passes, a BBQ, crafts, face painting, photo shots, games, disco, chill zone and the ultimate…candy floss. Everyone had a ball and made lots of final memories. Moments to be cherished for the future…




Checking on the Vegetable Growth

A fine set of cabbages and purple sprouting broccoli will be ready to harvest in autumn.

Grass Weaving, Photography and Art work

On the hottest day of the year, some grass weaving stars were made, whilst sat in the shade, trees and grasses photographed and then used for sketches.




Sun Dials

Red Class have been making sun dials, scribing designs into air drying clay.


The Commonwealth games Baton 2022

Two children received the Common Wealth Games Baton today 15th July 2022 and ran with it the next leg of the baton tour.




Stations of the Cross

We produced a beautiful installation for Holy Week, taken from Matthew 26:34, where Peter denies knowing Jesus.

Click on the link below to see our art installation in the church.

Parish of Mottram in Longdendale | Photos (mottramparish.org.uk)


The School Meadow

The school meadow is a spectacular array of wild blooms adorning the whole front of the school. Click on the link below to find out more about the re-wilding project.

Wild Meadow 2022 (1)


Art Projects Inspired by the Meadow

Pupils participated in a field study exercise, then generated art work based on the imagery they had captured whist in the meadow. They used a range of medium, water colours represented rain and collage created the multi layers of the meadow growth. Finally fine liner pens picked out details.




The Leavers Hoodies for the Class of 2022

The Queens Platinum Jubilee


A wonderful day at Broadbottom, capturing memories for everyone. Take at look at the link below to see  more of the celebrations.




Reading Buddies

Enjoying listening to a story with a year 6 buddy.

Ian Bland Poetry Day





Holy Week

Art installation for church to represent Peter denying he knew Jesus.  Matthew 26:34

The Easter Crafter-Noon and White Rabbit Trail


Winners of the Design a Red Nose competition



KS1 – Tango’s Great Adventure Performance



KS1 and KS2 Disco



World Book Day


Bee Mural


Year 6 Gymnastics












Purple Class visited Lymefield’s Garden Centre to decorate their Christmas Tree ready for their Christmas Tree Festival











Children In Need –  Winners of the Pugsy Bear Colouring Competition










Candlelight Stories Event

Our very first story night, which we are looking forward to becoming an annual event, was a sell out!

Featuring Story Cat, Story Drac, Story Gypsy and Seadog Sam.





















































































Mr Jowett’s Health and Nutrition Club.










Pupils made sun wheels to hang around the school grounds.








During Duvet Day, pupils planted their fairy houses onto the Bug Hotel.







Purple Class Chicks

Purple Class are learning about life-cycles









Broadie Allotment

Mrs Heydon has been working with all our pupils on the allotment project, we are delighted with the progress of our planting.









Green Class enjoyed tasting their bumper crop of radishes










Professor Bubbleworks Science Workshop








Broadbottom’s Beehive

Mrs Johnson is working with school to develop a bee colony of Dark European Honeybees which are native to mainland Britain.









Purple Class enjoying their music lesson











Children planting vegetable seeds for our allotments.









KS2 Outdoor Gallery with new pictures and our new activity table












KS1 Reading Bench with secret doors











KS2 Playground Trim Trail Update – Phase 2:




















A huge thank you to Mr Cyril Isted, who has donated the beautiful bench below to the school, who attended Broadbottom Primary School whilst he was an evacuee in 1941.










Here are some pictures of Purple Class doing an experiment to see how they could make ice melt the fastest. 




















Roofing Works – January 2021


Red Class & Library Roofing Works









School Hall Roofing Works











Look who came to visit us……..











Designer outfits have been designed and made by Red Class.










The JLT have ran quiz’s for each class.









Jingle Bell Walk through the village spreading Christmas cheer.









Mr Steven Pleasant, Chief Executive for Tameside MBC, opens our very first Community Gallery.











Well done to our Autumn Trail winner!









Our Remembrance Poppy Tree.

















































Keep Active lessons.