School Displays
Air Class (y3/4) have been working on warm and cool colours in Art.
Our contribution to a community project on display at Hattersley Health Centre. Year 6 chose bees as a theme to showcase the improtance of thse little c reatures in keeping us healthy.
Each member of our school community is a ‘Shining Light.’ Every child contributed their own candle, in this Andy Warhol inspired display.
Based on a topic named ‘Full of Beans. ‘ This diplay is produced using shades of green, to replicate green, clean, energy and a shift away from fossil fuels.
We are just crazy about bees at BB. Here you can see a well being project completed alongside the Healthy Hyde Team. This can be seen in the meadow next to our very own bees. See if you can spot ‘Bumble’ our mascot in the display above.
This display is based on photographic work of the meadowr and produced by KS2 pupils using water colours, collage and inks.
Georgia O Keefe would be so proud of this replica of her stunning work, the attention to detail and from is outstanding.
One of 3 gorgeous wreathes created with a papeir mache frame by Year 6 and a resident artist.
Lockdown didnt stop us creating at BB. Sent in from home, we were able to create this wonderful montage of love hearts to demonstrate our affection for each other, even though we had to be apart.
Take a look at our beautiful lock down displays showing some of the wonderful themes keyworker children contributed to during the lock down period.