“Let your light shine.”  Matthew 5:16


School Statement

Broadbottom Church of England (VC) Primary School staff and governors are committed to providing the highest quality education, care and experiences for all our pupils.


The aim of the Governments new Pupil Premium is to raise achievement among disadvantaged children. It will provide additional funding for disadvantaged pupils to ensure they benefit from the same educational opportunities as pupils from wealthier families. The Pupil Premium has a number of wider aims:

to increase social mobility;

to enable more pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to get to the top universities;

to reduce the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils nationally.


For information on how we are using the Pupil Premium funding please click on the links below:


Pupil Premium 2025 – 26

Pupil Premium & recovery statement march 25

Healthy Start

Healthy Start is administered by the Department of Health. 

To check that you qualify and to make a claim go the Healthy Start website.

If you qualify for Healthy Start through Child Tax Credit, you’ll automatically get an application form in the post.

With Healthy Start you can get:

  • Coupons to exchange for free vitamins
  • Weekly vouchers to buy milk, fresh or plain frozen fruit and vegetables, or infant formula milk


Healthy Start – can I get it?

If you’re on certain benefits, or you get Child Tax Credit and are on a low income, you could qualify. You’ll need to be at least 10 weeks pregnant, or have a child under four.

If you are pregnant and under the age of 18, you will automatically qualify whether or not you get other benefits or Child Tax Credit.

You won’t qualify if you get Working Tax Credit, unless it’s just the four week extension of your payments – often called a ‘run-on’. You may get a run-on after you stopped qualifying for Working Tax Credit – for example if you’ve stopped work or reduced your hours.

You don’t have to get Child Benefit to qualify for Healthy Start.