“Let your light shine.” Matthew 5:16











               Mr Jowett


The Special Needs Co-ordinator at Broadbottom CE (VC) Primary School is Mr L Jowett.

If you have any concerns you wish to discuss regarding you child you can contact him through the school office on 01457 762 382

or by email at send@broadbottom.tameside.sch.uk;

At Broadbottom CE (VC) Primary School we work closely with other agencies to support our pupil’s needs and currently liaise with Tameside Local Authorities, Psychologist, Erica Douglas-Osbourn.

Tameside Local Authority has a website for parents with information regarding services available to support children with educational special needs offer to support children with special educational needs or disability.

The Local Offer website brings together a range of support services and information for children and young people aged 0-25, with Special Educational Need and disabilities (SEND).  Here you can find information and advice to support children and families with SEND.

To find out what the Local Offer involves please click this link

To view Tameside MBC Local Offer please click this link