“Let your light shine.” Matthew 5:16
At Broadbottom we recognise that you are an essential partner in the education of your child. We are very proud of the support and involvement offered by parents in school. We value your opinion and we will listen to you, after all you know your child best. We expect parents to offer their support in maintaining our positive ethos, ensuring their child comes to school in full uniform and attends school regularly and punctually. Our Home/School agreement, Behaviour Policy and Homework Policy outlines the responsibilities of both school and parents.
We aim to communicate to you, through various means:
- Weekly newsletters
- The school website
- ‘Let your light shine’ Assemblies
- Parents evenings
- SEND reviews every term
- ClassDojo – Please click this link to view instructions to sign up – ClassDojo letter
- Text messaging
- Informal chats and catch-ups
- Google Classrooms