“Let your light shine.” Matthew 5:16

Why is Good School Attendance Important?

At Broadbottom CE (VC) Primary School, we aim for all our pupils to attend school regularly so that each child is given the opportunity to achieve their full potential. By law, all children of compulsory school age must receive a suitable full-time education. Once your child is registered at school, you are legally responsible for making sure that they attend regularly. If your child fails to do so, you risk getting a penalty notice or being prosecuted.

Good attendance is a skill for life and attendance has an impact on a child’s whole school experience.

As well as affecting your child’s academic potential, poor or irregular attendance can have an impact on your child’s friendships, self-esteem and confidence.

We work closely with the Local Authority Education Welfare Team. They monitor our pupils attendance and help us to support families who fall below the target.

In line with Tameside expectations on attendance, the target for all pupils at Broadbottom is 97%.

Please ensure that  medical appointments are arranged during the school holidays or after the school day. On the rare occasion that you may have to take your child out of school, for medical reasons, you are required to produce an appointment card, otherwise the absence is marked as unauthorised, which will affect your child’s attendance record.

All holidays taken during term time will be unauthorised and a fine issued if this exceeds 10 sessions (5day).

Persistant Absence (PA) Threshold

The Department for Education (DFE) has a threshold criteria for children’s attendance at school. Any pupil that misses 10% or more of school, for what ever reason, accross an academic year, will be classes as having Persistant Absence (PA)

The infromation below simplifies this criterion:


Persistant Absence 10%

Term 1 4 1/2 days or more
Term 1 & 2 7 days or more
Term 1,2 & 3 10 days or more
Term 1,2, 3 & 4 12 1/2 days or more
Term 1, 2. 3. 4, & 5 15 1/2 days or more
Term 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 19 days or more


All procedures regarding attendance are followed in accordance with the Local Authority Attendance Measures.


  • If a child has a minimum attendance of 96% (7 days per year absence) this means that  during their primary schooling, they will miss more than a term of education.
  • If a chiild has attendance between 90-96% (8-20 days absence per year) it means that during their primary schooling, they will miss 2 or more terms of education.
  • I attendance is betwwen 85-90% (20 – 30 days absence per year) this pupil would miss over a year of education.


  • Of those pupils who miss more than 50% of schooling, only 3% manage to achieve five A* to C grades at GCSE, including Maths and English
  • Pupils who miss between 10% and 20% of schooling, only 35% mangae to achieve five A* to C grades at GCSE, including Maths and English
  • Pupils who miss less than 5% of school, 73% manage to achieve five A* to C gardes at GCSE including Maths and English