Useful websites
Relaxation-at-Bedtime_Online“Let your light shine.” Matthew 5:16
Report Remove is here to help young people under 18 in the UK to confidentially report sexual images and videos of themselves and remove them from the internet. Click on the link below
Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?
Make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors
We’re here to help everyone report harmful content online
If you’ve experienced or witnessed harm online we can help. Report Harmful Content can help you to report harmful content online by providing up to date information on community standards and direct links to the correct reporting facilities across multiple platforms
Report Harmful Content – We Help You Remove Content
Children’s Mental Health Week
Early Help Website Launches
A NEW website has been launched for parents and professionals to easily access support and advice for families.
Tameside Council’s Early Help, Early Years and Neighbourhoods team has pooled a wealth of resources onto the website so that information can be found quickly and simply.
Net Aware
As children are spending more time online, visit this website for advice and help on keeping children safe during lockdown and beyond.
A non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. Young people Top tips, games and internet safety information to help young people get the very best out of the internet and stay safe online
Parent’s Guide to Emojis
You have the best Parent’s Guide to Emojis living right with you–your teen! Keep a healthy, open relationship with your teen so you can talk with them about emojis and what they really mean. Sometimes, just asking can get an honest answer, so you aren’t left assuming the worst about what a smiley face could mean.
The leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families. Parents trust our expert reviews and objective advice
Tameside MBC
Public Health Agency
Tameside SEN
Tog Mind
Young Minds
Tameside and Glossop Healthy Minds
Free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people
0800 470 8090
08457 909090
Working for the prevention of young suicide
0800 068 4141
Off the Record
A free, confidential counselling service for young people, 13-28, living in the Tameside, Glossop & Oldham area.
0161 355 3553
0780 047 2908
A national voluntary organisation providing support for those affected by self harm.
Email and text support service for self injury
0780 047 2908
Lifeline – Work with individuals, families and communities both to prevent and reduce harm, to promote recovery, and to challenge the inequalities linked to alcohol and drug misuse.
Living Life to the Full
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based and structured therapy that aims to alter the unhelpful thinking (cognitions) and behaviour that commonly occur during times of distress.
Moodjuice –
Moodjuice is designed to offer information and advice to those experiencing troublesome thoughts, feelings and actions.
Get Self Help –
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Self Help Resources – Access to free worksheets and handouts on various mental health problems, including anxiety and depression. Also includes access to MP3 downloads such as Guided Relaxation and Meditation.
Centre for Clinical Interventions –
CCI provides free workbooks on a variety of topics such as depression, assertiveness, panic attacks, self-esteem, anxiety and worry.
Moodscope –
Measure your mood each day with an online card ‘game’. Track your scores and learn what could be causing your ups and downs. Using this method can help lift mood over time.
Mental Health Foundation –
The Mental Health Foundation website – Information on a range of mental health problems, how to spot common signs and symptoms and help available. Plus access to free downloads and wellbeing podcasts such as mindfulness Exercises.
Branching Out
Tameside’s drug and alcohol service for under 25s, children, and those who are concerned about someone else’s substance use.
How to refer to Branching Out
Referring a young person, child or concerned other to Branching Out
is easy. You can fill in our short online referral form HERE, Referrals – My Recovery – Tameside (
or call 0161 672 9420
Sleep Advice
Click on the links below to find information to help you support a healthy bed routine.
Sleep advice for children with Send